Sunday, July 23, 2006

Worst President Ever?

I don't know much about American History (mainly because they didn't teach much of it in high school), but it sure seems like our current President is the worst one so far.

I hear Nixon was a crook, Reagan sold weapons to 'terrorists', HW Bush didn't know what a check-out scanner was at a grocery store, Clinton was better but was still a dud, and then we get this A-hole. I can not believe people actually voted him in office, TWICE! Oh that's right, they stole the election both times.

There are so many terrible things this guy has done; like start two senseless wars, tax cuts for the rich, piss on the poor, making it harder or impossible for people to claim bankruptcy, screw over veterans and military families, piss on the poor some more and then make them clean it up, the list goes on. Remember, this is the guy who thought that a divorced single mom having 3 jobs to support her family was a good thing! (Link here with audio)

I am embarressed to have this man (or, man-child if you will) represent us. After last week with him at the G8 with his incident with the German Chancellor, I am convinced that he has some kind of mental disorder.

Video here
From Crooks and Liars


  • An excellent piece of work. Keep it up and maybe the people who do not understand eventually will. Thank you.

    By Blogger Carl Baydala, at 12:53 AM  

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